Resilience anger and grief
Trying to stop Climate Change is a negative, restructuring society is a positive. One of our roles will be to find how to defuse the rage and channel it into ways that benefit the community.
Note: You can view, add questions and provide answers in the Problems and Solutions Forum. Follow the links Resilience and Wellbeing to open in a new window.
Discussion Points:
Building community resilience and downsize expectations
Common psychological reactions are violence, unsettling grief, blame
Dealing with the inevitable anger and grief, and panic
Many wont want to take in what is happening –Denial
Many are used to playing the victim role
Can we afford to be bleeding hearts, is there any role for compassion
Advantages of meditation, group sharing, useful work
Education for all in new environment
To be strong seems cruel, how be both clear and compassionate?
Therapy sessions, individually and in groups, and meditation
Local support groups for specific needs and areas
Working bees, integrate refugees from the coast and cities
Survey of healers and therapists