Food Water and Goods

Growing enough food for the whole community, including those in the towns and refugees. And distributing it. How long does it take to create a self-sustaining garden? To create great soil? Train the gardeners?

Note: You can view, add questions and provide answers in the Problems and Solutions Forum. Follow the links Food, Water and Fishing to open in a new window.

Discussion Points:

  • What is best for this climate, soil.

  • Making fertilisers, tools, equipment, fertiliser, compost, worm farms,

  • Fishing using sail, not diesel, meat as sheep, cattle, chooks (eggs)

  • What do we do for money, tools,

  • Seeds, their storage – Seed Bank

  • Water, storage, irrigation, pumps (maintenance)

  • water channels from high streams into tanks

  • fixings, sealants, connectors, how store

  • Bottling fruit, canning, keeping apples, winter storage

  • Delivery and manage distribution of food and goods

  • How cook without gas, how provide firewood without chainsaws

  • Stockpile sugar and salt for distribution, and clothes, boots, raingear, blankets

  • Replacing kitchen equipment, repair fridges, washing machines

  • As heat approaches 50C how do we keep grow food, keep cool

  • Solar powered air conditioning needs to be invented